Thursday, August 2, 2007

23 Things - The End. . .

. . . is not the end. I realize that. Learning new technologies and discovering ways to use them to enhance my professional and personal life will not (and cannot) stop here. The best part of this experience has been to go through it with many, many co-workers. There was always someone there to help me through a difficult part, and I was able to help others through their difficult parts. The most difficult part of the learning experience was to maintain self-discipline. Some days I needed self-discipline to not give up on a difficult part, and other days I needed self-discipline to stay on task. (Especially on YouTube). It is easy to go from one blog or podcast or video to another and another and another and lost track of what your original intent was and of the time.
I still need to go and make a quilt, however - to do something hands-on. Life is balance.

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